
Education Freedom Workshop - Feb 10

The Community Impact Team has organized an Education Freedom Workshop with Cheryl Tusken at Calvary Chapel on Monday, February 10 at 6pm. Whether your kids attend public school, private school or are home-schooled, we can learn about upcoming legislation and how we can be praying for and actively involved in our kids education.

High School Winter Camp

Camp dates are February 14-16. We will be going to Clark Canyon Bible Camp and studying the book of Hosea. Cost is $140.  Register now!

Men's Breakfast

Gentlemen, sign up below to join us on Saturday, March 1 at 8am for food, fellowship and time in the Word!

Men's Studies

Join us for our men's small group study!
Thursdays 7-8pm @ CCB - Acts
Fridays 6-7am @ CCB - Proverbs
Fridays 7pm in Livingston

Love Inc Donation Barrels

Love Inc is doing the HUGS donation drive through February. If you would like to donate new hats, underwear, gloves and socks, bring them to the blue barrels in the foyer.

Cleaning Ministry

We are in need of servants to help in the cleaning ministry. If you are available to serve in this capacity, email the church at or see Pastor John.

Kids Ministry

If you are interested in serving with our kids ministry, please contact Tim  Price at 406-224-3556 or email


We are available for pastoral counseling sessions. If you have a need, fill out the form and we will be in touch with you.

Opportunities to Serve

There are many ways to get involved and use your gifts and we especially are looking for people right now in the cleaning, greeting, and meals ministries. Click below to fill out the form and we'll get in touch with you!

Lost & Found

Be sure to stop by and pick up any of your items from the Lost & Found in the lobby, behind the Bookstore!

Evangelism Resources

Stop by the Welcome Booth to pick up some copies of the Gospel of John to hand out to folks you reach out to!

Private Church Online Directory

If you consider Calvary Chapel Bozeman your church home, we want to invite you to be a part of our private Online Directory. Please email the church at to let us know you are interested and you will receive directions on how to sign up! At minimum, we would love name, phone # and a picture.

Church Merch!

Check it out in the foyer!  T-shirts, coffee mugs and water bottles! Feel free to drop cash or check in the box. If you would like to use a credit card, see Kam Johnson.

Church App!

Download the Calvary Bozeman App to stay connected! You'll find announcements, teachings, ways to give, and more! Click below or text "ccbozeman" to 888-364-4483 to receive a link.