Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.
We believe that God desires to use His Church to bring the Gospel to all nations. As a church we are passionate about reaching the unreached and church planting. Our prayer is that God would continue to raise up sent ones from our church to go into all the nations.
Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you;
and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.
and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.
Matthew 28:19-20
International Missions

Middle East
God is moving in the Middle East. Despite persecution, political upheaval and religious oppression nothing can stop the advance of the Gospel. As a church, we support a number of "workers" in the Middle East. Their work involves equipping and strengthening other Christian workers bringing the gospel to Muslim background countries as well as sharing the gospel in their local communities. Due to the religious and political oppression in the Middle East we cannot disclose specific information on their work. However, for more information on how to pray and support these ministries please contact us through phone or email.
Southeast Asia
Much like the Middle East, despite the political and religious oppression, God is bringing in a bountiful harvest in Southeast Asia. We are privileged to come alongside two works of the Lord in separate Southeastern Asian countries. These ministries are committed to raise up and equip local pastors to go throughout the region and plant churches. As in the Middle East, due to the religious and political oppression in this area we cannot disclose specific information on their work. However, for more information on how to pray and support these ministries please contact us through phone or email.
Joshua Fricke - New Zealand

ZoeCare is a sexual health and pregnancy clinic staffed by medical personnel, professionals and volunteers. We are here to serve you and answer questions you may have about pregnancy, abortion procedures, adoption, parenting, and sexually transmitted infections.
Butte Rescue Mission
Partnering with Southwest Montana to feed, clothe, shelter and restore hope to those in need, through the life changing Power of Jesus Christ.
Josh previously served at Calvary Chapel Bozeman for several years before attending Calvary Chapel Bible Institute New Zealand (CCBI) in early 2019. Josh quickly began sensing the Lord’s calling to stay in New Zealand to serve Christ and the Kiwi people. After graduating the CCBI internship at the end of 2020, Josh moved to Wellington and is currently serving as the Youth and Children’s Ministry leader at Calvary. Josh loves teaching God’s Word and has a heart to impact the youth of New Zealand with the truth of the Gospel and to see them wholeheartedly follow Jesus as dedicated disciples.
Gallatin County Chaplain-
Randy Jones/Dale Fricke
The Chaplains serve the Gallatin County Sheriff’s Office by providing a source of strength and compassion to those who protect and serve Gallatin County in law enforcement, their families, other members of the department, the broader first responder community, and the citizens of Gallatin County.
Sacred Portion Children's Outreach
The Sacred Portion Children's Outreach was founded by Craig and Jan Druckenmiller in response to a call on their hearts to work on behalf of children without homes and families. Prior to this, they were directly involved for 22 years in the development and operation of a quality, nationally accredited early childhood program. In 1997 they passed the care and continuation of that program into another's hands and turned their hearts towards serving a more needy population of the world's children.